
The most inspiring sex

Senior sex remains taboo, often perceived as inappropriate or undesirable among the younger generation. These stereotypes make the elders feel ashamed or guilty about their sexual desire, creating a huge sexual barrier.

Senior sex lives can be just as desirable, valid, and even inspiring as any other age group. To break the sexual barrier for the elders, we found the most inspiring medium to present senior sex; art. Inspired by the classic paintings, the form that is greatly appreciated for its beauty in the way it is, we created grand paintings of senior sexuality to be appreciated anew.

Case Study


We placed huge installations wrapped in veils near major museums and galleries, generating buzz. On launch day, the grand paintings of senior sexuality were unveiled across the cities. The QR code leads to further exploration through interviews with the muses of the painting.

When you scan the QR code, QR codes invite further exploration through interviews with the muses of the paintings.

The Most Inspiring Erotica

Partnering with the major museums globally, we launched the first-ever R-rated gallery exhibition, "The Most Inspiring Erotica.” The empty frames symbolize the silence and taboo around senior sexuality today, but scanning the QR code reveals the beauty of senior sexuality in real life through collaborative works with various artists.

The Most Inspiring Kamasutra

The campaign extended to packaging, with "The Most Inspiring Kamasutra.” The accordion condoms turned into Kamasutra, the iconic guide to sex, reimagined in our way, designed for old couples. Sex is immensely diverse when it comes to sexual positions, yet the diversity stops there, ignoring a billion old couples. We break barriers by celebrating the diversity of all ages within sex.

The Most Inspiring Symbol

While Colonel Sanders from KFC has been known for altering his egos over the decades, we challenged him to join our movement for another transformation celebrating senior sexuality. As a spicy invitation, we created a dedicated piece for Colonel Sanders turning him into “The Most Inspiring Sex Symbol.”

Credit - Stella Moon, Yul Han, Gahyeon Kim, Jaeyun Kwon


Notco - Coded for a Better Tomorrow


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